影视后期课程体系,是以行业的岗位需求为标准建立的。它将影视后期制作分为了影视剪辑和影视后期合成两大类。在这两个长期班级中,学员们将学习到保定网站建设 保定荆塘铺 伺服液位仪 防撞墙模具 唐山护栏 钢纤维 天津除甲醛 保定铝型材相关岗位各个方面、流程的技术操作和工作技巧。这些都是有着丰富从业经验和商业项目经历的老师们的工作法宝,可谓是十分地有价值呦。
The late film and television curriculum system is established based on
the post needs of the industry. It divides film and television post
production into two categories: film and television editing and film and
television post synthesis. In these two long-term classes, students
will learn the technical operation and working skills of all aspects and
processes of relevant posts. These are the magic weapons of teachers
with rich professional experience and business project experience, which
can be said to be very valuable.